A Dynamic Dog consultation is very different from most canine behavioural assessments.
ALL aspects of both you and your dogs day to day life are taken into consideration from their behaviour, to what they eat, to the way they move, sleep, play and routine.
Working with a sound knowledge of the inner structures and systems of the dog, we understand the impact that emotional and physical health may have on a dogs behaviour.
Everything is connected, and that is why we insist on a FULL and DETAILED assessment when working with you & your dog.
What to expect on top of the standard behaviour assessment?
All About your Dog - Deep Dive
It starts with a intake behaviour assessment form.
Getting a medical clearance when we see behaviour struggles with the standard for behaviour consultants who are well trained.
I want to meet with your on a Zoom Call ( you get to be comfy) and go through the information in this form. If you are local we can do this in person if you like.
Lasting approximately up to 60 minutes maximum I take a look at what life is like for you and your dog. Be warned I will want to know EVERYTHING which often leads us down previously unexplored territory.
Data Gathering Additional information in visual form - photo's and video's of your dog doing various activities of daily life so we can assess any physical issues. This is only hands off only. I do ask owners to do this work, although tedious your dog will be less tensed without me there so that good body language can be gathered. I can help but if you dog is worried about strangers we cannot collect honest footage.
Evidence Analysis I then spend 48hrs going over all the data & information given to us in the consult so we can build the full picture of what is going on for your dog.
Veterinary Report & Liaison I can then construct a comprehensive veterinary report with corresponding evidence and liaise with your dogs vet with our findings to ensure that any underlying health issues are diagnosed and supported so that they lesson the impact on your dogs behaviour. If everything is fine that's great and we can get started on a behaviour plan.
Behaviour Management Plan This may be a short term to help you micro manage behaviour while additional Veterinary support is given or longer term help can be discussed depending on assessment outcomes. Either way I make sure you have full support during the initial Dog Assessment.
Why is pain the name of the game? It could be discomfort coming from somewhere, maybe not acute but chronic that may come and go.
If you have arthritis you may feel well most days and then there may be off days. Our dogs are similar and usually never yelp as we might expect them to.
So it's not always a limp or a whine! Discomfort related behaviour is extremely complex. Dogs don't often show that they are in discomfort in ways we would usually expect, it is often subtle and goes unnoticed for weeks, months and even years! It can be seen in behaviour changes or even slight behaviours we would not think about as contributing to the dogs discomfort. Understanding behaviour language helps to know to look for more. We can help find out if there is something there for your veterinarian to investigate.
In a recent study carried out in Lincoln University by Daniel Mills, it was found that approximately 80% of dogs that presented with behavioural issues had some form of undiagnosed pain that was a direct cause or adding to a problematic behaviour. You can listen to Dr. Mills on a recent podcast done on the functional breeding podcast.
Listen here A Dynamic Dog Practitioner has been taught the skills to confidently spot potential signs of discomfort and relay them to the vet so that you and your dog find relief sooner, whilst simultaneously helping you manage your dogs behaviour.
Why wait for your dog to go lame, before you consider they are in pain?